Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Wednesday 26th August Mrs Edmonds Video Blog post

Morena Room 23

Thankyou for all your absolutely amazing work that has been emailed to me!
I am so proud of the work that you have been doing while at home.
It really will help you get back into routines faster.

Today I have added slide 3 onto my video as an idea for you to have a go at learning Te Reo Maori.
If you feel like going and checking it out there are a few different options. Singing, making a poster or having a go at the game BINGO but in Te Reo Maori!

Go and have a lovely day at home keeping safe

See you again tomorrow!
Mrs Edmonds


  1. Morena Mrs Edmonds and Room 23, good idea using the Te Reo slide today. I need some practise saying the body parts in Te Reo, maybe I'll give that a go today too. I hope you have a great day today Mrs Edmonds.
    Miss Robertson

  2. Good morning Mrs Edmonds. I love seeing all the activities the children in Room 23 have been doing at home. What a creative bunch they are. Counting in te reo is a great thing to learn. I've been trying to count backwards in te reo and I'm finding that quite a challenge. Have a great day everyone.

  3. Ata marie Mrs Edmonds, It is lovely seeing all the students learning on the blog. I was talking about the Te Reo slide the other day on my teacher video. Mrs Harding is so clever. There are lots of awesome resources there to use.
    Have a fabulous day, Mrs Smaill

  4. Good Morning Mrs Edmonds and Room 23. I have enjoyed looking through the photos on your blog at all of the wonderful learning from home your class has been doing. I wonder which activity the learners in Room 23 will choose to do at home today? Luckly the rain seems to have gone for now, so maybe there might be some opportunities to play outside too. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

  5. Kia ora Mrs Edmonds and thank you so much for pointing out the Te Reo slide today. Ka mau te wehi! That's fantastic! If anyone manages to make a poster I would love to see it and pop it on the Te Reo blog. There is also a Bitmoji of me up in the right hand corner of the slide and this links you to my blog which has lots of other activities to do on it. Karawhiua - Give it a go!

  6. I'm pleased your children have been sharing their learning with you Mrs Edmonds. The Te Reo slide is awesome. I have also clicked on the button which takes you to Mrs Hardings blog. It has lots of ideas too.
    From Mrs Burge
