Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Marley, Mandy, Vinuka and Emily shared work


  1. Marley your pig is soooo cute. What fun making it with dad. Mandy great job constructing the daffodil. It look so real. Vinuka you have been busy. I like the way you have bullet pointed your clouds information. Great to see that you are getting out in the fresh air between the showers! Emily looks like you have learnt a lot about clouds. A very impressive list. Keep up the fabulous work girls. Mrs Venville is very proud of you.

  2. I agree with you Mrs Edmonds, Mandy's daffodils are very realistic. I'm inspired to have a try at making some myself, just in time for Daffodil Day on Friday! It's great to see Marley practising some maths and Vinuka and Emily's writing. I'm super impressed that Vinuka has read 10 books on Flyleaf and is learning word lists 8 & 9, as this helps so much with the school reading books. Some wonderful art creations from you all too.
