Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Learning at Home shared work: Lucas, Vinuka


  1. awesome guys, good to see y'all having fun at home.

  2. Wow Lucas you phoneis very cool! Hopw well did it work? I bet Keaton had fun answering your call. I love your worries dolls that you and your family made Vinuka.

  3. I love your homemade telephones Lucas! What a fun activity for our communication topic. The worry dolls, that you and your family made Vinuka, are very cute! We all have worries from time-to-time and sharing them often helps us to solve the problem or feel better about things. He waka eke noa.

  4. Awesome work from all of you boys! What a lovely sign message from Samuel and you delivered it so well! It was like watching the people who sign on the 1 o'clock updates. I like how John has answered all of the questions in full sentences, so that we know which question the answer refers to. This will be really helpful if you look back at these facts later. Some wonderful work from Ali too! You have remembered to use the writing skills we practise in class to produce a woderful piece of sequenced writing with great pictures to match.
