Sunday, 9 August 2020

Term 3 Week 2

Our superstar Lucas hosted alongside Rm 21's Eloise at our Koru Assembly.  What a brilliant effort Lucas you are a natural at public speaking.
Our wonderful GEMS performing for the first time in front of an audience.  AMAZING!

Koru assembly awards went to Lucas, Marley and Ali.  Well done guys you are putting in so much effort and it is paying off!


  1. I was so proud of Lucas helping host at our Koru Assembly alongside Eloise. It was a super effort Lucas. As Mrs Edmonds says - 'you are a natural at public speaking'.

  2. How wonderful were all of our little GEMS who performed in the Koru assembly, you are all superstars! I was very proud of Lucas for being one of the amazing hosts and my congratulations to Marley and Ali for receiving certificates.
