Saturday, 25 April 2020

Week 2 Ella, William, Rangi, Anna, Olivia and Vinuka's Distance Learning


  1. Ella, I love your garden art and your poppy is pretty too.
    Counting up to 40 is very clever William, well done.
    I love that you sorted the m & m's by colour. Did you get to eat them too? I have a big tub of M & M's left over from Christmas, maybe I should do that too!
    A praying Mantis is very cool Anna. You have done a lot of searching and learning about bugs in your garden!
    An Alaskan crab Olivia! I have never seen one of those before!
    Vinuka, you have been very busy with your sister! Well done.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. It's lovely to see Rangi, Olivia and Vinuka working together with their siblings.Like Emersyn, Anna is very brave hunting for bugs. Nighttime is always a good time to spot them. William and Vinuka are doing some great work practising their numbers and handwriting. Very neat work boys.

  3. Hi Room 23,

    Looks like you have had another busy few days learning. Ella I enjoy looking at your pictures. I especially like your leaf picture, you have used the whole page and the space around your leaves makes it look great!

    Wow William, you have recorded all the numbers up to 40 so well. I wonder if you can find objects to match each number? I am especially interested in finding the teen numbers (ie 14) and the ty numbers (ie. 40). Do you know the difference? Can you explain it to someone in your bubble?

    Yum, chocolate M and Ms! Rangi, what fantastic learning you are doing with your whanau, I'm so pleased to see you have gloves on so you are thinking of safety too. Which colour had the most M amd M's ? I wonder if you could display them in a variety of ways on a table or large piece of white paper? However I bet they are in your tummies now.

    Have a wonderful day Room 23,
    From Mrs Madden
