Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Wednesday 22 April Mrs Edmonds Video post

Wednesday 22 April
Ata marie Room 23 whanau

What a glorious day it is outside.  I can hear the birds chirping and the sun is beaming in through my windows I am happy!  I hope you are all happy today.

This morning I had my two daughters Lillias and Georgia-Rose wanting to jump in and say hello to you all.
I have reminded you all to try and and practice your JOLLY PHONICS song found on Slide 9 and slide 10 when you click on the pictures on the right side of the slides.
The Jolly Phonics song is super good at helping you to use your memory and remember the letter names and sounds from the alphabet.  This is also great for your writing and reading skills!

Also on slide 7 SCIENCE there is a challenge for you to take a look at a video where you can learn how you can re-grow your veges and fruit from the cut off scraps that you usually throw out.
Miss Robinson from Rm9a has grown a little avocado plant from just   an avocado seed!  Heres her link you may want to have a look!  Click below!

I hope you have another lovely day!
I will see you again tomorrow morning.

Big hugs from Mrs  Edmonds


  1. I was inspired by Miss Robertson growing an avacado seed. I definitely want to give it a go too!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Yes it is a glorious day outside. I went for a walk early this morning and I could hear the birds chirping too.

  3. Mrs Monaghan22/4/20 12:14 pm

    Wow I'm impressed by Miss Robertson also growing an avocado seed. Lots of beautiful sunshine today to help grow those seedlings and give us some much needed vitamin D. Have a lovely day Mrs Edmonds and room 23.

  4. Wow very impressed! Tohu and I wish it was strawberry season so we could try it and grow some strawberries!

  5. Love watching your videos Mrs Edmonds! What gorgeous girls you have. Have a wonderful sunny day!

  6. Hi Mrs Edmonds,
    It is a beautiful day today and it was lovely to see your beautiful daughters too in your morning message.
    Take care
    Mrs Smaill

  7. As my computer was been very lazy this morning and wouldn't work, I went for a nice long walk along Bucklands beach. The water and sky were so blue, and the sun so warm, it felt like summer again!

  8. Waffles or pancakes??!! What a decision? Can I have one for breakfast and one for dessert in the evening? We had a backwards dinner the other night and ate dessert first and then the main dish! I'm going to have to think about this one...Mrs Trembath

  9. You know how much Mrs Jackman loves to practise the Jolly Phonics sounds too. Knowing the letter sounds is so helpful when we are reading and writing.
