Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Week 2 Distance Learning for Marley, Mandy and Annie.


  1. Alison Clyde29/4/20 11:40 am

    Annie, you are very kind and helpful.
    Mandy, the floating and sinking experiment looks good fun. Was there something that floated that you thought would have sunk?
    Marley, playing ‘shops’ is really fun to do. I like how you got to use your number knowledge by adding up the cost of the items.

  2. Mrs Churchill29/4/20 2:30 pm

    Kia Ora Room 23 and Mrs Edmonds, it is lovely to see the busy things Marley, Mandy and Annie have been doing. I loved seeing Marley doing the sinking, floating science experiment and playing shop. I hope you bought lots of healthy foods to eat. Well done to Annie and Mandy for being such great helpers in the kitchen. Keep up the good work!

  3. You girls have all been very busy! Like Annie, my daughter has been helping to prepare dinner for our family too and we made some delicious ANZAC biscuits together. Did you enjoy eating yours Mandy? Your supermarket game sounds like great fun and a great way to practise some math. The sink or float activity is proving popular with a lot of your classmates too. I like that you made predictions first and was surprised by some of the results. That often happens in experiments.

  4. You are very helpful Annie. What did you make? I hope it was delicious.
    One of my daughters made ANZAC biscuits too Mandy! I ate far too many!
    You bought a lot of healthy, delicious food at the supermarket Marley! Yum!
    From Mrs Burge
