Thursday, 7 May 2020

Thursday 7th May "Bon Jour" video post

Bon Jour, Ne hau, Malo ele lei Room 23

Today you may want to look at our slide deck and focus on slide number 3.
Our Sunnyhills GEMS

The green GROWTH GEM asks you to be curious and look out for 3 native birds in the garden.

The yellow SELF-BELIEF GEM asks you to take a risk and try eating a new healthy food that you haven't tried before.

Have a beautiful day.

Love from Mrs Edmonds!


  1. Good morning Mrs Edmonds! I have used my Self Belief GEM this week. I tried a cup of English Breakfast tea...and do you know what? I like it! I am now drinking two or three cups a day!! What new food have you tried? From Miss White

  2. We have lots of beautiful Tui's who love to come to our bottle brush tree in our front garden. They are always collecting pieces of the tree to line their nests.
    From Mrs Burge

  3. Hello Mrs Edmonds, lovely to see you. I have seen lots of native birds during lockdown especially ones I don't usually see like the Kereru! Also known as the wood pigeon. These birds are quite big birds and they make a squeaking sound when they fly past. I hope Room 23 are able to notice and name a few native birds in their neighbourhood too.
    Miss Robertson

  4. I am glad that you Google Meets are going well. We are lucky to have so many birds in NZ. I will be interested to hear if they cwere able to spot any native birds in the garden. I often hear birds on my walks especially tuis. Great challenge Room 23 to take a risk and try eating a new healthy food that you haven't tried before.

  5. Hi Mrs Edmonds. What a great idea to focus on the Sunnyhills GEMS. I don't like tomatoes but I use my self-belief GEM to help me eat them because they are healthy for me. I wonder what foods Room 23 are trying?
    From Miss Stuhlmann

  6. Mrs Monaghan7/5/20 1:19 pm

    There are so many beautiful native birds around, I have noticed so many more on my daily walks, they are out and about exploring more during the quieter times we've had. It will be interesting to see what different foods room 23 try won't it Mrs Edmonds? Have a great day.

  7. Mr Jackman has recently made a bird house for our garden and he puts food out for them each day. We have so many different birds coming to visit but I'm not sure what they all are. Your poster might help me identify them. On one of my daily walks I was invited to pick some persimmion fruit from a neighbour's tree. They are ripening on my kitchen window sill at the moment, but I'm looking forward to giving them a try as I have never tasted them before.

    1. How lovely Mrs Jackman that you have a bird feeder. What nice neighbours you have that share their fruit. I like persimmon fruit, I wonder if you will like them?

  8. Bonjour Mrs Edmonds
    I also talked about the GEMS slide today. I was thinking about Mana - trying to be the best you can be. I have lots of native birds in my garden too, especially Tui. They have a beautiful song and are real show offs!!!
    Have a great day, Mrs Smaill

  9. Francesca Voykovich7/5/20 8:23 pm

    I got my James to accept the SELF BELIEF GEM today and he ate spinach, red capsicums and kidney beans. What have you tried room 23? I would love to know. Mrs V.

  10. John has tried carrots this morning, he absolutely hated it, it took him 40 min to finish half carrot. lol.. but this is a good start i think. we also can see Tui from our garden, they are always singing beautifully.
