Friday, 8 May 2020

Friday 8th May Video Post Mrs Edmonds

Morning Room 23

Week 4 is over already.

I have 2 video meets today so I would love to see you!  Thanks for such a fabulous week checking in and sharing your lovely work.

I was wondering if you could please over the next few days pop over to our blog and look at some of the comments that people have left for us.  Alot of teachers have asked us questions and I would love it if you could reply to some of their comments.

I hope you all have a lovely relaxed weekend with your families.
I look forward to seeing you next week.

Love Mrs Edmonds


  1. We are really enjoying looking at the children's work and making comments. It would be great if the children could go back into the comments and answer our questions too.
    How clever of you to learn to play the ukelele. I tried but I found my fingers were too fat and I couldn't do it. Maybe I need to have more self-belief and try again.
    From Mrs Burge

    1. Thanks for your comment you are showing kindness Mrs Burge. Maybe you could borrow my ukelele and I could give you some help and yes if you use the SELF-BELIEF GEM you could try again.

  2. Good morning Mrs Edmonds! Clever you learning to play the ukelele. Emmerson is learning to play it too. She has lessons at school. It's lots of fun. From Miss White

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Thats nice that Emmerson is playing also maybe she could give me some advice. I like the ukelele because it is a small instrument that I can carry around with me. Do you play any instruments Miss White?

  3. Hi Mrs Edmonds
    That is a great idea to remind the children to check out the comments and write replies. It is a bit like sending letters (in the post) but much, much quicker!
    I think trying new foods is FUN! I always try once - you never know it may be your latest most favourite food!
    I even tried a Snail once in Paris, France as the French people love them. I think once was enough, for me.

    1. Hi Mrs Smaill wow you tried eating a snail? that would be a huge amount of Self-Belief from Mrs Edmonds! I find it very hard to eat anything slimmey.

  4. Mrs Monaghan8/5/20 11:38 am

    I'm so glad your google meets are going well with room 23! What stars they are. I hope you have a great weekend and a lovely mothers day Mrs Edmonds.

  5. Wow Mrs Edmonds!! I can see you have persevered with your ukulele playing and it has paid off! I also have a ukulele and have tried learning how to play it during lockdown. I have only tried a couple of times though so I need to work on my perseverance, because practise makes perfect! Thank you for sharing and Happy Mother's Day for Sunday!
    Miss Robertson

  6. Good Morning Mrs Edmonds and Room 23. It is great to hear of people trying new foods. I haven't tried new food during lockdown but I have tried orienteering which we really enjoyed doing as a family around my community. Have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.
