Sunday, 3 May 2020

Ali Distance Learning Solar system activity

Ali Week 2

Ali completed creating a great project from our Week 2 slide deck

Ali has been learning about the Solar System and then writing facts about it.
What great facts you have listed here Ali.  Well done you should very proud.


  1. Wow! Ali, that is a very good planet poster. I love how you have added facts too. Well done.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Great work Ali! What a fabulous poster and facts. Learning about space is so interesting and there are new things being discovered all the time!

  3. Mrs Monaghan4/5/20 11:52 am

    Ali, you have spent alot of time on this researching and writing down the facts. Do you have a favourite planet? Awesome work.

  4. Wow Ali! I am so impressed with this poster and facts. I think you were really reaching for the stars when you were doing this work. Whāia te iti kahurangi!

  5. Wow Ali, you are a space expert! What a lot of super facts. From Miss White

  6. Oh my gosh Ali what fabulous work. You are a superstar! You will be an expert on space in no time.

  7. Francesca Voykovich4/5/20 5:03 pm

    Great work Ali and such lovely writing. Mrs V.
